Monday, March 13, 2006

Feingold for President

In direct oppposition to Senate Republicans, who want to re-write laws to fit the prior illegal behavior of the Bush Administration, Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat from Wisconsin, boldly proposed a resolution today censuring President Bush for illegally wiretapping American citizens. Feingold stated in no uncertain terms that the president had broken the law must be held to account.

His indictment of Bush was clear and compelling, and formed a searing rebuttal of Bush Administration spin on the subject of wiretapping.

But some Republicans, still suffering from the un-American delusion that criticizing the President is, well, un-American, pushed back against Feingold.

Republican Senator Bill Frist, a slightly more educated version of the President, said:
"The signal that [the resolution] sends, that there is in any way a lack of support for our commander in chief who is leading us with a bold vision in a way that is making our homeland safer, is wrong."

Excuse me, but what powerful drug is Frist smoking?

The "bold vision" Frist mentions can only mean the radical Bush policy of pre-emptive war, which is in a state of utter shambles as Iraq plummets toward civil war.

And virtually everyone except the most radical neo-conservatives now agree that our nation is less safe than three years ago. Our port security is a disgrace, our borders are open, our disaster preparedness has been exposed as a sham, and our invasion of Iraq has created another Afghanistan, complete with terrorist training facilities and increased terrorist recruitment.

The Bush Presidency is an unmitigated disaster (torture, cronyism, poor planning, poor execution, hollow sloganeering, lies) yet true-believers like Radical Right Senator Frist seem incapable of understanding that supporting a failure is worse than criticizing one.

For anyone who resists the notion that Bush is a failure, one glance at the polls will be a depressing revelation. Bush has earned the disdain that the public now has for him, and patriots like Senator Russ Feingold should be proud to defy the predictable Republican smears and sloganeering that surround his censure resolution.

Bush must be held accountable for the mountain of mistakes, failures and crimes that his administration is responsible for. Senator Feingold understands this more than many of his peers, especially the shrinking number of Radical Republicans who continue to back the worst president in decades. Shame on them. And kudos to Senator Feingold.


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