Gonzales, Liar
Whatever we did, just say the opposite!
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales recently spoke at a London think-tank:
"The U.S. abhors torture and categorically rejects its use," Gonzales said, adding that where appropriate the U.S. sought assurances from foreign governments before transporting detainees there, and did not transport anyone "to a country if we believe it more likely than not that the individual would be tortured." Beth Gardiner, AP.
Like his President, Gonzales usually limits his speeches to like-minded think-tanks, even when traveling abroad. Speaking to an unscreened audience nowadays is death to conservatives like Gonzo, who can barely protect themselves from the rotten tomatoes and pointed questions.
But despite his ambiguous, hair-splitting comments--what does "more likely than not" really mean?--it is very clear that our great nation, under the corrupt and dishonest Bush Administration, has routinely rendered terrorism suspects to foreign governments known to torture. And they have been tortured, brutally, even when they had no connection to terrorism whatsoever. Maher Arar, for example, a Canadian citizen who was seized at a US airport and shipped to Syria (known to torture--duh!) where he was tortured for months before being relased.
When the curtain closes on the inept, incompetent and dishonest Bush Administration, history will look back at Gonzales and see a liar. Nothing that I have heard or read has come close to persuading me otherwise.
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