Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Fitting Funeral Tribute

Comments pointing out the failures of the Bush Administration made by several distinguished speakers at the funeral of Coretta Scott King have angered conservative pundits, who claim the comments were in poor taste.

Conservative hacks Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson accused the speakers of having bad manners, and Kate O’Beirne of the National Review called the comments a “cheap shot,” claiming that they were “contrary to the spirit” of the moment. But her claim was entirely wrong, demonstrating how out of touch O’Beirne was with the spirit of King’s life.

Coretta Scott King was dedicated to activism and speaking truth to power. It’s hard to imagine a better way to speak truth to power than to tell the President, to his face, how badly he has screwed up our nation, how poorly he has performed and how disappointing he has been. That the critical comments produced a massive roar of support from funeral attendees tell us all we need to know about their propriety.

No wonder conservatives are pissed. The entire thrust of the Bush Administration has been secrecy, dissembling and silence. They don’t want open discussion or direct confrontation because their failings and incompetence are so manifold.

Supreme Court nominees Roberts and Alito said virtually nothing of substance in answering questions at their confirmation hearings. And Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, testifying before Congress on the subject of Bush wiretapping, erected a smirking wall of silence, refusing to shed any light on how our government has been spying on its citizens.

Don’t ask. Don’t criticize. Just shut up while we take away your liberties, make more bad decisions about foreign policy, do nothing to solve domestic problems except cut programs, support radical social policies that continue to divide America and do everything we can to help our wealthy friends.

Sorry. That’s the way of communism, fascism and tyranny. In America, criticism is the backbone of our political process, and keeps our nation strong. What better tribute to the King family than speaking truth to power. It’s not poor taste--it’s reverence through imitation.


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