Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Addicted to Spin

Different Day, Same Speech

President Bush’s State of the Union Address, while confidently delivered, was a virtual recap of his prior rhetoric. At a time when most Americans have been clamoring for change, the President offered business as usual.

Beginning with the War On Terror, he stated that we will stay the course in Iraq until we have achieved victory. Whatever that means. He didn't say. Killing all the terrorists, perhaps? Notably, he mentioned Osama twice, and described the terrorists as Islamic Extremists, which will anger many in the Middle East.

On the domestic front, he declared his intention to cut federal programs that are “not fulfilling essential priorities.” Which apparently means Medicare, Student Loans and other programs that principally benefit working-class families. But he wants to promote tax-free medical savings account that will principally benefit upper-income and wealthy Americans. Very compassionate.

But he made sure to note that anyone criticizing him or his policies was, in effect, accusing America of being “in decline” and “doomed to unravel.” In other words, critics are un-American.

Ultimately, his determinedly optimistic speech never affirmed nor acknowledged the distress, anxiety and concern average citizens feel over the mess in Iraq, the Health Care disaster and the broad loss of jobs and earning power.

Bush remains in Wonderland. And the nation remains headed in the wrong direction.


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