Finally, The Great Uniter
President Bush has finally become the Great Uniter. Not the way he had hoped, mind you, but through sheer stupidity and ineptitude. By supporting the sale of our port security to the United Arab Emirates, he unwittingly and inadvertently brought both Republicans and Democrats together in shocked, angry protest.
Simply a payback deal to a country we want desperately to stay friends with, and whose foreign investment we covet, the port security snafu exposes the core of Bush Administration policy. Tone deaf, shortsighted, and unable to avoid corporate giveaways and favors at the expense of the American public.
But helping to galvanize the bi-partisan furor, the port situation is only the latest in a string of disasters for Bush and his Radical Right team.
Iraq is on the verge of civil war, and there seems to be no way we can stop it. So much for forcing western-style democracy at the point of a gun (to feed our oil addiction).
Dick Cheney is emerging as the quarterback of the Valerie Plame outing. But we already knew he was a mean-spirited, sleazy, lying, unethical man.
Which brings us to Karl Rove, still in the crosshairs of a Federal Prosecutor.
New stories continue to surface connecting Bush with felon Jack Abramoff, the most recent concerning a meeting between Bush and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir arranged by Abramoff through Rove. (Rove doesn't recall making the arrangement, which means he is either asleep at the wheel or a bold-faced liar.)
New Orleans and environs are still a disastrous, festering sore, representing an ongoing failure of attention and competence by the Federal Government.
No acceptable rationale has yet been given for why the Bush team failed to use the FISA courts to secretly wiretap, which, despite unsubstantiated administration claims that the wiretapping was narrowly focused, forces the conclusion that too many people were being spied on to use the court.
The most recent Budget Proposal from the President is a disgusting testament to illusion, deception, greed and bloat.
No meaningful attention is being paid to our health care crisis, our open borders, our loss of jobs to low-cost countries, our staggering trade deficit, our staggering debt, or the downward slide of our children’s competence in math and science.
Americans aren’t marching on Washington because they are unconcerned--they aren’t marching because they are shell-shocked by the enormity of the problems. Can you blame them? The way things are going, I should re-title my blog “Bush Disaster Watch.” Each day seems to bring a new tragedy.
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