Thursday, May 18, 2006

Theocons, Theofascists, Theobaloney

Theocons and Theofascists are finally turning on their Golden Boy Bush. According to the New York Times, a revolt is being led by Christian conservatives who feel betrayed by the President.

Does this mean the Radical Right are finally embracing rational thought? Hardly.

They aren’t pissed because Bush is an incompetent liar. They aren’t upset that he recently stated on the subject of Immigration that, “we are a nation of laws,” despite the fact that he chooses to ignore some of them. They aren’t upset that his Attorney General went on TV the next day saying that, “if laws exist, they have to be respected, they have to be enforced,” even though he has shown utter contempt for the ones he doesn’t like and doesn’t believe the President is obligated to follow. They aren’t pissed at the gross mishandling of Iraq or the ever-growing mountain of debt.

No, they are pissed because Bush and his Republican Congress aren’t radical enough. That’s right, the Theocons are angry because attempts to impose their superstitions on the rest of us have failed. They feel betrayed that our so-called leaders haven’t followed through on issues like outlawing abortion and prohibiting gay marriage.

But they fail to realize that their radical agenda is abhorrent to a majority of Americans and politically untenable. So, since they can’t force us to behave the way they want, some are becoming more militant, scary and dangerous. Don’t believe me?

Last week a new Theofascist group held “concerts” attracting thousands in San Francisco and Detroit declaring that Christian faith is under attack. The group BattleCry and its umbrella organization Teen Mania label the imaginary attack on their faith and values “a war” (does that remind you of the words of a tall, bearded, AK-47 toting man on the Afghan/Pakistan border, per chance?). Their rhetoric comes close to inciting violence, all in service of their warped interpretation of the Bible. As ever, when angry, fearful, narrow-minded control freaks cloak themselves in the language of absolute truth, bad things begin to happen.

I’m glad the hapless presidency of George Bush has been, in effect, emasculated. He is already a lame duck. But I’m horrified that arrogant, intolerant, divisive Theofascists are turning up the volume on their hatred, anger and self-righteousness. They have nothing to do with Jesus, and everything to do with social tyranny.


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