Thursday, April 13, 2006

Rummy, A Dangerous Signal

Several more Generals have come forward to add their names to the growing list of current and retired military leaders calling for the removal of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, but their informed concern seems to be falling on deaf ears at the White House. According to Administration spokespeople:

Getting rid of Rumsfeld won’t solve the problems in Iraq.

So, the man whose horrible judgment, wrong assumptions and incompetence created an untenable security nightmare in Iraq should stay at his post because we need his help to fix the situation. With his kind of help, who needs terrorists?

Of course, Radical Republicans desperately insist that replacing Rummy will:

Send a dangerous signal to the enemy.

But they’ve misused that disingenuous line repeatedly to attack almost every criticism of their Administration. It’s just a bogus, moronic dodge.

Here’s the simple truth:

Nothing sends a more dangerous signal to our enemies than U.S. government officials who are inept, corrupt, unethical, immoral, hypocritical and/or dangerously incompetent. Which sadly covers a large portion of the current Executive Branch.
The American people are slowly waking to the fact that the Bush Administration--and Rumsfeld--are tragic failures at governing, but hey, we get what we vote for. At least November will give us an opportunity to wrest control from the bankrupt party of Strong and Wrong, who are clearly incapable of fixing the many disasters of their own making.


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