Monday, April 10, 2006

Leaking Lying Loser

As Senator Joe Biden wisely noted on the Bill Maher show last Friday, the American people are on to President Bush. They’ve learned to pay close attention to his deceptive words, carefully chosen by a Rove-picked team of spinmeisters to imply truths that are actually falsehoods and assert facts that are actually fictions, deflecting responsibility and blame with picayune legalese.

A perfect example: In light of Bush’s authorization to leak select parts of the National Intelligence Estimate, an angry White House press corps demanded an explanation from spokesman Scott McClellan, who could only repeat (and repeat) that the President’s authorization constituted an immediate declassification--his Presidential prerogative--and that criticism of such was an example of cynical partisan politics.

But McClellan failed to explain why the timing of the leaks didn’t constitute the most egregious example of partisan politics on the part of the President. To believe McClellan, you’d have to believe that those critical, nasty Liberal Democrats were trying to destroy America while Saintly Patriotic Republican Bush was trying to share vital information without any political calculation or desire to smear outspoken critics.

What rubbish. And the voting public agrees.

McClellan may actually believe that Bush can do no wrong and should be given, five-plus years into his Presidency, the blind trust of a conquering hero. But most of the rest of us aren’t that stupid. Bush lost his presumption of trust a long time ago. Not even the media can keep up with all the scandals, misjudgments, indictments, strategic errors, failed policies and failures-in-the-making of this disastrous Administration.

Recent items include:

1) Republicans convicted of vote-tampering in New Hampshire had multiple direct communications with the White House immediately prior to their illegal conduct.

2) Bush and company knew the Iraq uranium story had been discredited but used it anyway, then lied that they were unaware it had been discredited.

3) Despite three recently retired military generals calling for the ouster of Secretary Rumsfeld, Bush responded recently that he was satisfied with Rummy.

Satisfied with incompetence, apparently.

Which just goes to show that only the incompetent are satisfied with incompetence. And thus far, most of the Republican faithful still claim to be satisfied with President Bush. This November, say bye bye…


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