Bush Doctrine is a Failure
American Mullah Pat Robertson's call for the assassination of Hugo Chavez should come as no surprise. Robertson has a long track record of un-Christian, lunatic drivel. Anyone who thinks he's a great guy should get their head examined. In fact, all Fundamentalists should have their "thinking" checked and consider rejoining the real world.
More importantly, judging by the President's emphatic defense in Utah yesterday of the Iraq war, it looks like the wheels are finally flying off the Bush doctrine. He and his team refuse to consider what the majority of Americans have come to understand:
"Killing all the terrorists" is a strategy doomed to fail because each kill produces multiple recruits.
"Bringing the war to them" breeds more hatred and terrorists, making us less safe in the long run.
"Deadlines embolden the enemy" is a false premise. Open-ended occupation emboldens the enemy.
"They hate us for our freedom." Perhaps, but they hate us more for our meddling and our military presence in the Middle East.
In fact, when the Soviet Union left Afghanistan, did the Mujahadeen follow them to Moscow and explode bombs in Red Square? No. They just wanted the Soviets out. And despite their jihad rhetoric, Islamic terrorists want our military out of the Middle East--especially Saudi Arabia, which contains their holiest sites.
The day of the London bombings, Bush, visiting the G8 conference, stated again that America will stay its course, "taking the fight to the enemy to keep us safe at home." The foolishness of this comment was striking since our only meaningful occupation partner, Britain, had been taking the fight to the enemy in Iraq and was clearly paying a huge price at home.
Sadly, due to series of horrible misjudgements and ill-conceived strategies by the Bush Administration, it seems only a matter of time before America pays, too.
Though the Bush Presidency has been a slow-motion disaster, its elements are now quite clear. Here is a partial recap, only relating to Iraq.
Bush and/or his administration...
Failed to commit enough troops to Afghanistan to contain and eliminate Osama and the Taliban.
Failed to establish international consensus or a meaningful coalition to invade Iraq.
Rushed to invade Iraq with an urgency disproportionate to the threat it posed.
Distorted intelligence reports to fit them to a pre-ordained invasion policy.
Invaded Iraq with too few troops and no credible plan to secure the country.
Failed to protect Iraqi weapons stockpiles from looting.
Disbanded the Iraqi Army.
Failed to provide adequate armor to our troops.
Grossly overestimated the Iraqi desire to be occupied.
Grossly oversimplified the vast multi-cultural and religious complexities of Iraq.
Grossly underestimated the costs of the war and occupation.
Failed to finish the job in Afghanistan.
Bush may not be the worst President ever, but he has placed himself squarely on the short list.
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