Monday, August 01, 2005

The Tyrant Appoints

It's hard to imagine a better way for President Bush to say "f-you" to his critics (now upwards of 65% of the American public, depending on the poll) and show contempt for the political process than by his recess appointment of John Bolton to the UN. Not only is Bolton the first US Ambassador to the UN never voted on and ratified by the Senate, but he is also one of the most controversial. In fact, just last week it came to light that he had not answered certain confirmation questions accurately (which is to say, honestly). The arrogance and hubris of the Bush Administration knows no bounds. He spews volumes about the importance of the democratic process when it suits his ends, and discards the process when it doesn't. But this is nothing new. Bush has always talked a big talk, but his rhetoric and his actions rarely correspond. The foundation of his presidency is apparently so brittle and insecure that he feels it essential to employ, promote and reward people who lack sound judgement but display unfailing loyalty (Rice, Gonzalez, Tenet, Bolton). Indeed, when queried during the last campaign, Bush could not think of a single mistake he had made. Because admitting even the smallest mistake might shatter the fragile illusion of competence that keeps the President and his clown-posse of an administration in power. No wonder our so-called leader is the laughing stock of the rest of the world. Democracy for the Middle East, tyranny for America.


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