All Talk, No Walk
Today’s speech at the UN by President Bush was both wonderful and tragic. Wonderful in the lofty ideals, bold visions and provocative suggestions it offered, and tragic in terms of how poorly and incompetently his administration has acted to make such rhetoric a reality.
Bush claimed that a lasting peace between the sovereign nations of Israel and Palestine was one of his greatest priorities. Yet his administration has done virtually nothing, and certainly less than any recent presidency, to broker that peace.
He noted that genocide was occurring in Darfur, urging the UN to intercede, yet his administration has done little more than provide a few humanitarian-aid dollars.
Most bizarrely, he stated that “Freedom cannot be imposed, it must be chosen.” But his occupation of Iraq was a blatant and unambiguous attempt to impose freedom. How does he square this hypocrisy?
He doesn’t, of course. He just keeps reading speeches written by talented, ideological speechwriters while his blind, inept, dishonest, unethical, misguided advisors and officials continue to screw up every mission, botch every policy initiative and smear every opponent they come across.
Bush talks the talk, but he can’t even crawl the crawl.
Hopefully, voters this November will ignore the rainbow speeches and focus on the dark results. By voting against Bush's Republican enablers, the nation may just be able to change its dismal and worsening course.
- JT Compton
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