Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Go Ned Lamont

As Connecticut closes in on Primary Day, Senator Joe Lieberman continues to pout and spout. Calling in his political chips, Senator Joe brought a swarm of other Senators and dignitaries to rallies this week, trying claw his way back to even with Ned Lamont, his poll-leading Democratic challenger.

Poor Joe. He’s “in a battle.” And his frowny face shows it. Joe just can’t understand why voters seem to be turning against him. The Christian Science Monitor says the race is about “the future of the Democratic party.” They contend that Lieberman’s stance on Iraq places him in the crosshairs of the radical left who will gain power if they can defeat a centrist like Joe, jeopardizing the prospects of other centrists like Hilary Clinton.

I disagree. Everybody knows Joe is a conservative. The Connecticut race is about honesty and competence. And depending on how his actions are interpreted, Joe Lieberman is either deceptive or incompetent. Voters care less about his support for a continuing presence in Iraq, but they care a lot about a Democrat who has not only failed to stand up to the worst President in our nation’s history, but actually embraces the President’s dishonest and divisive agenda. Said Lieberman:

“It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be commander in chief for three more critical years and that in matters of war we undermine presidential credibility at our nation’s peril.”

Spoken like a true Republican, and a fascist Republican at that.

Either Senator Joe has turned his back on Democratic principles to curry favor with conservative voters or he is incapable of understanding the critical role dissent plays when a Republican President and Republican Congress make an absoute disaster out of virtually everything they touch. Democrats didn't undermine Presidential credibility--Bush and his spineless GOP Congress did it themselves.

Does Joe not care that our Constitution has been trashed? Does he not care that our international standing is in tatters? Does he not care that the environment has been denuded by sell-to-the-highest-bidder Republicans? Does he not care that Federal Agencies are staffed with inept cronies? Does he not care that only the wealthy have benefitted from tax cuts and the rest have been left behind? Does he not care that our health care system is a disaster? Does he not care that legislation is for sale? Does he not care that the Supreme Court has been re-staffed by radical ideologues?

Senator Joe’s track record is as abysmal as the Republicans he sucks up to. And he will likely pay. Nobody wants to be represented by an idiot, a liar or a laughing stock.


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