Peace Can't Be Imposed
According to some observers, all strife and conflict in the Middle East can be traced to the subjugation of Palestine by Israel, even though many groups, including Hezbollah, may be using the “illegal occupation” of Palestine as a pretext to impose their vision of Islamic theocracy on a wider Arab populace.
The recent war between Israel and Hezbollah has a lot of people yearning for and talking about peace. And to be sure, finding a solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict would be an enormous step forward toward peace.
Unfortunately, all parties to the problem--including terrorists, states and occupiers--have forgotten the lessons of history.
Using violence to combat injustice never works. It undermines the morality of the victim and creates further injustice.
And using violence to impose peace never works. It creates suffering and resentment, which produces more violence in the form of revenge or retribution.
Among the Arabs and the Jews, where are the Gandhis? Among American Conservatives, where are the Martin Luther Kings?
Whatever became of non-violent protest?
History demonstrates that the non-violent protests of the Civil Rights Movement worked. The non-violent protests against Dictator Ferdinand Marcos ushered in a cultural revolution in the Philippines without a single shot being fired. Peaceful resistance delivered India from Colonialism.
By contrast, injustices in Northern Ireland were countered by violence and decades of brutality ensued. Injustices in Yugoslavia were countered by violence and a flood of death and human suffering ensued.
The legitimate injustices suffered by Arabs will remain overshadowed as long as terrorism is their culturally sanctioned response. The legitimate grievances of Israelis will be tarnished as long as the Israeli Military acts like an iron fist. The peaceful fantasies of the United States will remain frustrated as long as military force is our preferred strategy for conflict resolution.
Violence begets violence.
If peace is our aim, we must demonstrate peace. Dropping “smart bombs” is antithetical to peace.
If peace is the aim of Israelis, they must choose peace in spite of terrorism.
If peace is the aim of Arabs, they must choose peace in spite of injustice.
Any interpretation of religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) that advocates violence is a twisted desecration of all that is holy, both indefensible and illegitimate. Non-violent protest, on the other hand, is a supremely powerful spiritual expression.
Choosing non-violent protest takes far greater courage than picking up a gun. It also requires faith that the desired outcome is worth enormous risk and sacrifice.
Only when courageous people protest in a peaceful, persistent and dignified way will the conditions for true, lasting peace arise.
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