Idiot Brigade
I'm on vacation at the moment in Alaska, but felt compelled to make a quick entry. An interview of President Bush by Brian Willams of NBC this week prompted me to action.
In it, Bush declared his usual steadfast confidence that invading Iraq was the right thing to do. But when faced with the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, a red-faced, shrugging Bush shot back that Saddam was part of the terrorism problem.
The dwindling Americans who still believe Bush's half-baked and disproven rhetoric are the only ones not utterly embarrassed by such preposterous Presidential responses.
Bush made this idiotic statement in New Orleans, a year after he and his pathetic team of cronies botched the Katrina Hurricane response and left the corpse of the dead city of New Orleans to rot. But Bush kept the tired catchphrases and hollow promises flying.
Giving Williams an earnest earful, Bush spoke about his commitment to rebuilding, about how the people of Louisiana were in his heart, and how he would come through.
Oh yeah? When?
It's been a year and the situation has gone from complete disaster to ongoing disaster. Only a quarter of the Big Easy's residents have returned home, the others are displaced and unable to return, and much of the flood-ravaged area is still a wasteland. The Bush timetable seems less like a commitment than a whitewash.
And speaking of incompetence, Donald Rumsfeld went spewing at the mouth today about how critics of the Bush administration may not have learned the lessons of history, implying that the situation in Iraq was like Nazi Germany under Hitler.
But Rumsfeld is incapable of seeing the broader lessons of history--that when a nation begins to compromise its values (torture, invasion of privacy) to face a threat (Osama) or a perceived threat (Saddam), it starts down the slippery slope of fascism itself.
Indeed, the black-and-white, arrogant, judgmental, extreme, good-versus-evil propaganda pouring from Bush and his handlers after 9/11 have a much greater resemblance to those we claim to oppose (Islamic Extremists) than the giants of our own history, like Lincoln, Kennedy and King.
History is already looking back on Rummy and Bush with great disdain, and the only question left to answer is how big a disaster will they leave behind.
That they are incapable of seeing or admitting their errors and shortcomings is only an incremental addition to a far greater tragedy.
And every time they get on television and say stupid things, they push more voters into the arms of reason, progress, accountability and change.