Radical Right Rejected
Yes, it’s a referendum on the Republicans.
Voters are sick of the Bush crew, and many Republican candidates paid the price today. It’s not difficult to understand why.
When first running for President, Bush II vowed to return integrity to the White House, and stated that he would pursue “not just what the lawyers allow but what the public deserves.” Apparently, Karl Rove was exempted, which didn’t escape the notice of the electorate.
And despite a 90 to 9 Senate vote passing a bill re-banning torture, Bush and Cheney are planning a first-ever veto. Their much-touted principles don’t seem to extend to all human beings, only Americans. Or at least, Americans who don’t write critical op-ed pieces.
The Radical Right is completely out of touch. Even conservative Joe Scarborough, known for an occasional lucid moment, spewed a non-stop stream of red-faced bile and garbage on the Bill Maher show this week. He wanted us to believe that holding a prisoner’s head under water wasn’t torture, that our military prison problems were simply a breakdown in discipline, and that Senators who spent time in POW camps knew less about torture than the never-served Bush team. Out of touch, and just plain wrong. (And by the way, Joe--saying “Ronald Reagan did the same thing” doesn’t automatically win you an argument.)
Is it any wonder the Radical Right are on their way out? It can’t happen soon enough. America deserves competence and common sense, and while the Dems may or may not deliver, the GOP has been an utter five-year failure.
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