Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Kay the Clown

On Sunday’s Meet The Press, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson should have been wearing a jester hat and clown shoes when she whined that perjury and obstruction of justice were “technicalities.” She will be so disappointed if those are the only charges produced by Plamegate.

To be fair, she was doing what most Republicans have been doing for five straight years--robotically regurgitating party talking points. But her comments demonstrate how far the Radical Right has fallen into the slime.

These are the same people who came to power claiming they wanted to clean up politics, yammering on about values, family values, ethics, morality, etc. They are also the people who screamed bloody murder when President Clinton was accused of…perjury! Remember them--red faced, eyes popping, saliva spraying--as they wailed about how Clinton was ruining the nation? But that wasn’t just a technicality?

Such recollections make the current Conservative stance more strikingly hypocritical. The fact is, the Bush administration is in disastrous trouble. Setting aside consistent ineptitude and lack of sound judgment, their operatives have been steeped in dirty dealings and unethical behavior from the beginning. Will anyone go to jail? Who knows. But the more the Radical Right windbags try to spin their way out of disaster, the more ridiculous they look.


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