Blame Game Baloney
The conservative spin-meister’s latest linguistic creation, "the blame game", has most of America laughing. Are the conservatives kidding?
After years of misjudgments, bad calls, smear campaigns, cronyism, corporate pork, fiscal recklessness and outright lies, the question becomes: under what scenario should Americans criticize and hold accountable their leaders? For conservatives, the answer is none.
Because their politicians are ostensibly guided by Christ, they may believe themselves incapable of error, much less enormous blunders. But in reality, from the beginning, Bush and his administration have been desperate to deny, quash or smear any dissenter because their political house is made of cards. When a house is brick-solid, the removal of a single brick has little bearing on the structural integrity of the whole. And when an administration is solid, it can afford to remove or admonish operatives who make bad decisions or simply screw up. But when a house is made of cards, one little change and the whole thing comes tumbling down. In the case of Bush, taking responsibility for any imperfection becomes impossible because the deception and imperfection run all the way to their shaky core.
There has never been anything honest, capable or virtuous about the Bush crew, and they know it. Their chief strategist, Karl Rove, is the dirtiest, sleaziest, back stabbing, scheming, smearing, cynical, take-no-prisoner, ends-justify-the-means scumbag in a generation. And that’s just the beginning. The improprieties, favoritism and conflicts of interest are so vast that an observer is forced into one of two radically different camps. One, that no administration could be this bad, and any critic of it must therefore be an unpatriotic liar. Or two, that this is the most inept, clueless, arrogant, deceitful, vindictive, manipulative administration since Nixon, maybe ever. Recently, the second camp has been swelling while the first camp has become increasingly shrill.
Take President Bush’s recent speeches concerning Katrina. Clearly rattled by the hurricane of criticism that followed, he has been slurring his words, upper lip twitching, jaw grinding back and forth, looking almost cross-eyed. The media finally grew enough backbone to hold his feet to the fire for the failure of FEMA to properly respond, and the ensuing orgy of investigation confirmed that Brown, like so many Bush appointees, was a no-talent hack whose job was a reward for loyalty, for fund raising, or simply a paid-back favor.
At this point, watching a conservative try to defend Bush is like watching an object lesson in self deception, denial, tortured logic and outright nonsense.
When politicians don’t want to play the blame game it is because they are to blame.
Naive is the first word that comes to mind after wasting time reading this. Since you 'ask for it', you should be taught a lesson.
There is no difference between the "a democrat" and "a republican". The parties exist for one reason for the same reason breast cancer has no cure, jobs. If we cured breast cancer or AIDS, 100's of thousands of jobs would b lost, jackass. No incentive. The reality, unfortunately for die hards in either camp, is that many thousands of people depend on the survial of "their party" for a job. That's it, a job. Nothing more, a job. You jackass. No one will back down when jobs are at stake.
You should be aware of market forcecs having been a trader, what's the difference here, jackass.
Dear Anonymous Flamer--surely you could find a way to use "jackass" a few more times. After all, you lack the courage to have a real identity (which is another way of saying you seem to be a coward). Other than a simple hatred of the two party system, you have not made clear any argument for or against my post. (So how is all that hatred working for you?) All you've 'taught' me is that you don't know how to express yourself. Please learn to write before cluttering up blogspot again.
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