GOP Senate Hypocrisy
Remember when the Democrats threatened to filibuster the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court? The Republicans went nuts, calling the Democrats every name in the book, and basically saying that everything wrong in America was the fault of those obstructionist Democrats.
Well, it turned out that everything wrong with America was actually the fault of the Republicans, including invading and occupying a country that posed no threat to us, totally botching the occupation, letting Afghanistan slide back into the hands of the Taliban, letting Osama bin Laden escape, letting our nation torture and detain indefinitely its prisoners, letting the President subvert the Constitution by stoking our fears, letting New Orleans rot in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, letting mortgage brokers run amok, letting our national debt balloon to nightmare proportions, letting the dollar slide to new lows, letting hundreds of thousands of jobs evaporate, giving oil companies billions in tax rebates during a time of record oil profits, doing nothing to address our pathetic and disgraceful health care system, and doing absolutely nothing to confront the potentially devastating effects of climate change.
Oh, and that Alito guy turned out to be the exact Judicial distaster the Democrats were trying to avoid.
Now, with Democrats finally holding a slim majority in Congress, who is keeping them from finally addressing and trying to correct these grave problems? The Republicans! THEY'VE DONE MORE FILIBUSTERING IN THE PAST YEAR-AND-A-HALF THAN IN ANY OTHER TIME IN OUR NATION'S HISTORY.
Like babies banging their fists on high-chair trays, Republican Senators just refuse to allow the Democrats to move forward with agendas that the bulk of Americans desperately want, because they still feel bound to small but vocal clusters of radical conservatives unable to grasp or acknowledge what the rest of our citizens understand - that the best way to move forward is to do exactly the opposite of what Republicans have done for six years.
So the next time you hear about a good bill stalling in the Senate, chances are it's the filibustering Republicans, kicking and screaming, railing against a more just and sensible future that they can't keep from us forever. What a disgrace.
Labels: democrats, filibuster, republicans, senate