Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hillary Battles Rove's Ghost

When will pundits get the joke? Republicans are blabbering about wanting to face Hillary in the general election precisely because they don’t want to face her. Their Rovean logic goes like this: If we keep screaming, on every news show and campaign stop, that we want to run against Witch Hillary, we might be able to scare Democrats into voting for someone else, because in truth, she would kick out butts. We would much rather face someone else. If we can bully Democrats into thinking Hillary can’t win, we've won.


Hillary Clinton is the GOP’s worst nightmare, not just because she would undo so many of the egregious, unconstitutional and un-American alterations made by Emperor Bush and his conservative incompetents, but because she is a stronger, more capable candidate than any of the Republicans. Her policies are much more congruent with the sentiments of Main Street America, her presentation is more balanced and considered, and her persona is, quite frankly, less toxic. I mean, what could be more hideous and lamentable than an enraged, bile-spewing Rudy Giuliani in the White House, or a moralizing, pompous Mitt Romney? Most of the GOP field can’t even bring themselves to acknowledge that global warming is a scientific reality. Can anyone say Deranged Creationists?

When critics talk about breaking the Bush-Clinton-Bush chain, they ignore several simple facts. First, that while Dubya is a Bush, like his Daddy, Hillary is not a Clinton, like her husband. She is a Rodham. So in reality, her candidacy is less a continuation of dynasty than a partnership among co-equal geniuses. Second, when it comes to change, nothing the Republicans can offer comes close to the historic, momentous change represented by a female President. Which is why so many Americans would simply refuse to cast a vote for Jeb Bush, but would be quite happy to vote for Hillary.

Voters aren’t sick of Bushes and Clintons. They’re sick of Bush. They’re sick of incompetence, secrecy, lies, cronyism, division, fear-mongering, superstition, irresponsibility, excess, stubbornness and stupidity. They’re looking for a new direction only if it’s a better direction, like the direction we were heading when Hillary’s husband left office.

- JT Compton


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