Bush Screwed Us Again
Just when you thought the Bush Administration couldn’t do any worse, just when their approval rating hit an all-time low, just when it made the most sense for them to reach out to Congress and mend fences, what does the President do? He uses a recess appointment to make a Swift Boat supporter Ambassador to Belgium. In other words, he told Congress to go to hell.
And thus, he told the American people to go to hell.
When Sam Fox appeared at a confirmation hearing before Congress, it became clear that he was either being dishonest or had remarkably poor judgment when it came to his rationale for giving $50,000 to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a smear group that spread malicious lies about Presidential hopeful John Kerry.
Fox’s performance at the hearing was so dreadful and embarrassing that the Bush Administration withdrew his candidacy. A few days later, when Congress broke for Easter recess, Bush appointed Fox to the ambassadorship using a recess appointment, meant to allow the President to appoint crucial operatives under emergency circumstances when Congress was unable to convene.
But there was no emergency. Bush used the recess appointment to blatantly thwart the will of Congress, and by direct extension, the will of the people.
It marked another low point in the worst Presidency in our nation’s history. Bush is so isolated, so insecure and yet so arrogant, he can only appoint his own cronies, no matter how inept or incompetent, to ensure they don’t turn against him down the road. Because when your presidency is wildly incompetent and operates on lies, secrecy, deception and dirty tricks, you run the risk that minions will become disgusted with your so-called “values” and go public.
It has happened many times to the Bush regime, and each time the turncoat is deemed a lunatic or an opportunist by Karl Rove and other Bush spinmeisters. But the public is no longer fooled by their accusations and stale rhetoric.
And in this case, we all have reason to be outraged. Our government, yet again, is being staffed by a person who paid big money to get Dubya elected—often through unethical means—but who offers little to his post. “Heck of a job, Brownie.”
How much damage can this loser of a President and his pompous, bumbling team do to our nation before their disastrous term ends? Sadly, more will be revealed.
I’m on vacation next week. Happy Easter…
- JT Compton
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