Regarding Lost Patience
Donald Rumsfeld officially resigned today and suggested that America had lost patience with the war in Iraq.
He was close.
We have lost patience, but not with the war. We’ve lost patience with incompetence, bungling, lying and myopia. We’ve come to see that “staying the course” means doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results--which is the definition of insanity.
Too bad President Bush and Vice Dick Cheney still don’t get it. They are already busy trying to avoid most of the Iraq Study Group Report recommendations. Rather than defer to a non-partisan committee of some of the nation's most experienced foreign policy and strategic thinkers, they seem determined to rely upon their own broken judgment regardless of the cost.
But as any psychologist knows, a broken mind can’t fix itself. We have every reason to expect that an administration with such a pitiful and disastrous track-record lacks the ability to turn things around on its own.
Let’s hope the nation can stand two more years of their denial and intransigence. Because the way they are behaving, it doesn’t appear the Bush dead-enders intend to do anything differently. Getting rid of Rummy only shrank the inner circle of true believers.
- JT Compton
Great post, thanks. Don't know if you've seen this David Letterman clip with Cheney in it, but its pretty funny--
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